How do I get my Strategy noticed on C2?
C2 marketing efforts bring people to the C2 website, but your strategy is going to speak for itself once you start building a track record. Remember these key words: Performance. Performance. Performance. Your strategy can appear on these C2 site ...
How much should I charge my subscribers?
You can charge maximum subscription fee of $595 but the "sweet spot" seems to be between the $50 and $199 monthly price point.
Does my "Buy Power" include margin?
Because C2's Model Account lets you trade many kinds of instruments from one margin pool (stocks, options, futures, forex), we display margin availability a bit different to what you might expect. We show "Buy Power" which is a good stand-in for ...
Why aren't my strategy graph and stats being updated?
We don't update stats every minute. We update them every few hours or so. So generally, the system page is updated on a delayed basis. More frequently for strategies with more subscribers; less frequently for strategies with fewer subscribers. Note ...
What kind of Marketing tools does C2 offer?
C2 has ongoing marketing campaigns to bring users from around the world to the website. All C2 systems are there for current C2 users and for new ones to view and research. How your system stands out from the rest is up to you. Not only will ...
Can I show backtested results?
Because of our peculiar philosophy about the importance of "go-forward public commitment," we eschew backtested results due to the selection bias inherent in them. Thus we do not allow you to import backtested results into your C2 system. However, ...
C2 Star Certification
Trades Own Strategy Badge (TOS)
Choose from two different ways to obtain the TOS badge for your strategy. BrokerTransmit Program AutoTrade your own strategy - Instructions to earn badge
Do I need to register with the CFTC or the SEC in order to sell my trading advice? Do I need some kind of license to start a trading strategy?
If you are an American citizen, the short answer is: No, you do not need to register with any government agency, or pass any kind of test, or have a license in order to publish trading advice. However, you must be aware of certain restrictions. The ...
What's not included when counting signals for TOS?
When trades are joined due to "synchronization" (i.e. when there is a limit order for example where you do not get filled immediately, but rather are converted-to-market to stay in sync with the strategy) then we cannot attribute that particular ...
What is Popularity? This is a relative percentile-based number showing relative number of system views by logged-in users who are neither the strategy leader nor C2 people. Popularity does not indicate unique user views.
The one-click SIM explained to Trade Leaders
Users can now follow a strategy using the C2 Simulated (SIM) brokerage account for free, for up to two months. Users will see the strategy's hypothetical performance in real time but not the actual Open Positions. This means they can see daily P&L ...
Activity Feed
Everyone's activity feed is different. We only show current trades to subscribers of a strategy, or to the strategy leader who runs a strategy. Other people (for example: non subscribers or people who merely simulate a strategy) will not see this ...