Trading Systems
How can I see unrealized loss if I am not a subscriber? Do you include it in the Hypothetical Monthly Returns?
The main point here is that all the 'unrealized losses' you see are already included in the strategy page (even if you are not subscribed to it). This means that unrealized losses were included in all the results that were reported, including: The ...
How do I cancel a strategy subscription?
The Collective2 subscribe and unsubscribe features are self-service. That means you must unsubscribe yourself. This actually helps protect your account security. Here's the quickest way to unsubscribe from a single strategy - Log in to C2. Go to the ...
Why am I not receiving signal emails?
After market trading: C2 does not support aftermarket trading. If a strategy enters an order aftermarket, it will only be executed once the marker reopens. You will get a trade signal at that time the order is entered, but not again when it is ...
Can I receive signal emails via text message or to an alternate email address?
Here are the steps to receive texts for signal emails: Step #1 - Click your name in the upper right corner and select General Account Settings. Step #2 - Once you are in the Account Management page, select the Emails tab. Step #3 - Enter your ...
How do I search for trading systems based on certain criteria?
The Grid is your one-stop sorting/searching resource on C2. It's a pretty robust feature so it will take some hands-on experience to really get the full benefit of it, but to help with the learning curve, I'd like to point out a couple of things to ...
I'm a trader looking for a great trading system. What do you recommend?
Please don't email us asking what trading system we recommend that you use. However, we think that the C2 Web site provides a powerful set of tools that allows a reasonable person to make reasonable decisions about trading systems. Therefore, we ...
Which credit cards are accepted for payment?
We accept: MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover. We do not accept payments by PayPal at this time.
When will I be charged for strategy subscriptions?
No matter when you begin your subscription, your subscription is good for 30 days. Below are the steps on how to see when a subscription is due, the amount, and the date the charge will be performed. Log into C2 Click on your name in the upper right ...
What does a dash (-) mean on hypothetical monthly returns?
A dash (-) on monthly returns means that the net equity value of the system changed so little that the change rounded to zero.
Where do I find a list of TOS?
The Grid can show the systems that have the TOS badge. See here If you do not see the TOS column in your current view, click the wrench icon under the instruments tab then select it from the list.
What is the C2 Heart Attack Index?
C2's Heart-Attack Index is a completely scientific measurement of the probability of you having a heart attack if you follow this strategy with real money. Just kidding! Here's what it really is. The Heart-Attack Index is a relative ranking of the ...
When are subscription and autotrade fees deducted from the hypothetical monthly returns?
Subscription and autotrade fees are deducted at the first day of your system existence, and then every 30 days thereafter.
Is Unrealized P/L reflected in current month's P/L statement?
Yes, we include both open and closed PL (i.e. realized and unrealized) in monthly returns.
C2 Datafeed
We use an internal datafeed that is a blend of several of our broker partners.
How to receive signals by email?
Users can set-up receiving signals by email, following the next steps: Login to your C2 account. Click your name in the upper right corner and select to General Account Settings Click the Emails tab. Check the box "Send emails for buy/sell signals" ...
C2 video - How to write a review?
A C2 video for Investors (AutoTraders or strategy followers) C2 will prompt investors to post reviews based on the following criteria: They are currently subscribed. They have been subscribed for at least 31 days. They currently have a paid ...
Max Drawdown statistic
This is the worst peak-to-valley drawdown % experienced by the hypothetical Model Account for this trading strategy. This is considered useful information by some people, but it does not suggest that future drawdowns will be smaller than this. It is ...
Learning the Leaderboard
Searching for strategies? Start with the Leaderboard. The Leaderboard is a very useful tool to research strategies. Select from different time periods, sort by new values including W:L Ratio, Sharp Ratio, % Profitable, and Age. Simulate or go live ...