After market trading:
C2 does not support aftermarket trading. If a strategy enters an order aftermarket, it will only be executed once the marker reopens. You will get a trade signal at that time the order is entered, but not again when it is actually executed at market open. Investors mistakenly think they "missed" a trade signal email, but they did not.
Your email provider:
Because of the prevalence of Spam filters and clogged email gateways, Collective2 receives a lot of customer service inquiries about trading signals that apparently "never arrive" via email. In almost all cases, however, when we examine our server logs, we see that the signal emails were sent properly. Here are some steps you should take:
Most email providers such as Hotmail and Yahoo and Gmail allow you to add a name to a "whitelist" -- that is, a list of addresses you trust not to send you spam. An address on your whitelist will not be blocked as spam. Please make sure the addresses: and are on your whitelist.
Make sure emails from coll2@collective2 have not been hidden in your spam folder! If you see them there, make sure to mark the emails as NOT spam, so your email provider learns that C2 is not spamming you.
Note: Want to receive them as SMS? Check here.