Payments are transmitted through PayPal to the email address associated with your C2 account. You do not need to set up a PayPal account before your first remittance payment. PayPal will inform you that you have a payment waiting, and will allow you to set up your account and collect your funds then.
Make sure that you have added and verified/confirmed your C2 email address with PayPal. If you already have a main PayPal account that is not your C2 email address, you can request that PayPal "link" the two email addresses. PayPal can then route C2 payments to your main PayPal email address. Contact PayPal for further assistance.
Helpful hint: Make sure to complete the Taxpayer ID section under Your Account. Non-US strategy managers must check off a box confirming they are not US residents and US residents need to complete a W9. This step (regardless of method of payment) must be completed before any remittance is processed. It only needs to be done once.